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ATOP Optical Transceiver Products
ATOP Optical Transceiver Products
ATOP’s core products include optical transceiver products, WDM Multiplexers / De-Multiplexers (MUX/DEMUX), and DAC/AOC cables. Our range of optical transceivers include 400G series, 200G series, 100G series, 50G series, 25G series, 10G and below series.

ATOP 400G series is a group of high-performance, hot-pluggable form factor transceivers including 400G QSFP-DD SR8, 400G QSFP-DD FR4, and 400G QSFP-DD SR4, designed for high-speed optical networking applications, which can deliver data up to 425Gb/s and support link distance up to 2km. These products are ideal for data center 400Gbit Ethernet, operating in a high-temperature range with low power consumption.

ATOP 200G series is a group of high-performance, hot-pluggable form factor transceivers including 200G QSFP56 SR4. They are designed for high-speed optical networking applications, which can deliver data up to 200Gb/s and support link distance up to 100m. These products are ideal for data center 200Gbit Ethernet, operating in a high-temperature range with low power consumption.

ATOP has a wide range of high-quality and highly cost-effective 100G optical transceivers including 100G QSFP28-SR4, 100G QSFP28-LR4, 100G QSFP28-LR4(OTU4), and 100G QSFP28-DWDM, designed for use in 100 Gigabit Ethernet, telecom transmission networks, and Data Center Interconnect. With 4 independent full-duplex channels, each capable of 25Gbps data rate per wavelength, ATOP 100G series are high speed, low power consumption transceivers supporting transmission distance up to 80km with single mode fiber (SMF).

ATOP 50G series including 50G QSFP28-LR and 50G QSFP28-ER are PAM4 QSFP28 transceivers designed for 50Gigabit Ethernet links over a long distance (up to 40Km) with single mode fiber. With 3.3V power supply and power dissipation < 4.5W. Supporting 2×26.5625Gbps electrical interface providing digital diagnostics functions via an I2C interface, as specified by the QSFP MSA and compliant with RoHS-6 (lead free).

ATOP 25G series consist of 25G SFP28-SR, 25G SFP28-LR, 25G SFP28-ER, 25G SFP28-BIDI, 25 SFP28-CWDM, and 25G SFP28-DWDM, designed for use in 28Gb/s links up to 40km. Compatible with SFF-8431, SFF-8432 and supporting Wireless (CPRI/eCPRI), 25G Ethernet and 25G Fiber Channel protocol, these products have many telecom and datacom applications including 5G/4G wireless, Fast Ethernet, and Fiber Chanel.
10G & Below


ATOP PON series consist of XG PON&GPON OLT, XGS PON&GPON OLT, XGS PON OLT and XGS PON ONU. These products designed for broadband access support transmission distance up to 20km.

ATOP AOC products including 10G AOC, 25G AOC, 40G AOC, 100G AOC, and 400G AOC, are compact, light-weight, and low-power. With reach up to 100 meters, these active optical cables are ideally suited for high-density Fast Ethernet, InfiniBand QDR, and high-performance computing applications.

ATOP offers a range of active and passive DAC products including 10G DAC, 25G DAC, 40G DAC, 100G DAC, and 400 DAC.ATOP DAC cables are compact, low power consumption, and highly cost effective with reach up to 100 meters. These products are ideally suitable for point-to-point connection between servers and switches in data centers.

ATOP offers dense wavelength division multiplexers (DWDM MUX/DEMUX) and coarse wavelength division multiplexers (CWDM MUX/DEMUX) in the form of 1U 19” rack mountable box, plastic ABS module cassette, or standard LGX box. Our MUX/DEMUX come with several channel configuration, including 4-Channel, 8-Channel, 16-Channel, and 40-Channel. They are modular, compact and scalable with low insertion loss and excellent anti-interference ability.



NO. 1901, F19, SDGI Technology Building, Kefeng Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, CHINA, 518000
Tel : +86 755 8667 4946
Fax : +86 755 8629 6723
E-mail : sales-china@atoptechnology.com

409/685 Burke Road, Camberwell VIC 3124, AUSTRALIA
Tel : +61 434 306 783
E-mail : sales-apac@atoptechnology.com